The last of these will be a relatively new technology of object-oriented databases. The first standard of object-oriented databases (Object Database Management Group) was adopted in 1993. It, in particular, defines two languages ODL (Object Data Language) for defining data (objects) and OQL (Object Query Language) for data manipulation. OQL is based on SQL. One of the fundamental differences between relational and relational databases is the ability to create and use new data types. In this case, new types are generated through inheritance from the base. In object databases, operations on all data of a type or on a specific instance are also distinguished.
The Use of the Best Object Technology Now
Object technology and the traditional relational approach have various fields of application. If the data consists of “ordinary” simple fields of fixed (or easily measurable from above) length, then the best solution is to use a relational DBMS. If the data contains nested structures, their size can be changed dynamically, data structures can be determined by the user during the functioning of the database, etc., then it makes sense to think about using an object-oriented DBMS.
- However, we note that relational and object-oriented models are not mutually exclusive. Object-relational DBMSs have been developed for quite some time. The most famous example in this area is probably the Postgres system, it is on its basis that the federal portals of the Ministry of Education function. The same DBMS is used in the Rambler site system.
In conclusion, we draw the reader’s attention to a very informal, but popular among developers scheme proposed by Michael Stonebreker, one of the ideologists and developers of hybrid object-relational DBMSs. Despite the fact that this scheme is very crude, it clearly demonstrates the current trends in the development of database technologies.
The Essential Guidance
An introduction to databases is not the most convenient topic for a basic computer science course. The teacher always has a natural desire to quickly finish with “common places” and move on to something specific. Nevertheless, it is at this stage that it is necessary to introduce students to the concepts of “database” and “database management system”. It is important to identify both the relationship and the difference between these concepts.
Of the various database classifications, there is no doubt that it makes sense to introduce a classification based on the structure of the data organization. In the educational literature, one can find other classifications, the appropriateness of acquaintance with which seems doubtful. Briefly justify our restrained skepticism , get more info from 먹튀디비
Last Words
One of the classifications of databases that can be found in textbooks is the nature of the information stored. According to the specified criterion, factual and documentary databases are distinguished. It is believed that the former store “bare facts” – simple data (an example of a “naked fact” – date of birth), and the latter – documents (an example is a biography). We used the word “considered”, which has a somewhat skeptical connotation, because such a classification is not relevant for modern DBMSs. As a rule, the database stores facts and, if necessary, documents that include not only texts, but multimedia objects, etc.