A good website must be kept constantly up to date. This applies to the content, but certainly also to the technical part. The website health ensures that your customers can look around your site safely and that hackers cannot penetrate. If you want to improve your website in order to guarantee website health, there are a large number of things that you can check and adjust yourself. For the toto-rox this is important now.

Who are your visitors?

If Google Analytics is linked to your website, you can see how many visitors you have and where they come from. The website works as a search engine and checks which pages of your site contain Google Analytics and which do not.

Are you linked to Google Analytics? Then log in with the login data you received from your website builder at analytics. You can then use free tools with which you can get more out of your marketing activities.

How secure is your website?

An SSL certificate guarantees a secure layer between a server and an internet browser. At ssl-checker you can verify this certificate from your web server to make sure it is installed correctly and does not cause any errors with users of your site. You only need to enter the hostname of your server and click on “check”.

The convenience of a CMS

A CMS makes it easier to work on your website, provided that your modules and plug ins are up to date. If you want to know which CMS a particular site uses, go to whatcms.org . Here you can enter the URL of that site, after which the program searches for the relevant webpage and then searches for the CMS used.

Status, or how your website is never finished

If you want to subject your website to an extensive test on the most important points, you will find four sites below that will help you with that.

A tool where you can enter the address of your website, after which you will receive a score of one to ten in terms of accessibility, social media and technology.

Broken links on your website are annoying for your visitors. It can cost your (potential) customers, when someone is looking for something and a broken link leads to … nothing. brokenlinkcheck.com not only indicates which links are broken, but also where they can be found, so that you can easily remove them.

This site helps you check the validity of your web documents. Checking markup languages ​​such as HTML or XHTML contribute to the improvement of your website and guarantees its quality.

With CSS you can design web pages that are made up of HTML based on background colors, fonts, margins, colors etc. A tool at jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator compares the style of your site with official CSS specifications and reports typos , errors and incorrect use of CSS. You will also be warned about any risks with regard to user-friendliness.

Correct SEO, better findability

You can perform a general SEO check via. Through the site you get a thorough, clear analysis and you can easily include the results in your digital marketing strategy. This way performance can be improved considerably.